Tom Feldman Managing Director
M.B.A., F.W. Olin Graduate School of Business, Babson College, 2004 B.A., Economics and German, Union College, 1998
Mergers & Acquisitions; Renewable Development, Hydro Assets; Financial Analysis; Litigation Support; Operations; Regulatory Support; Strategy
Tom Feldman Managing Director
Mr. Feldman is an accomplished executive with over 20 years of experience in the energy industry and a passion for assembling and fostering exceptional teams to address the challenges of achieving deep decarbonization of the energy economy. He is interested in using his expertise in carbon-free energy technologies, electric power market design & operation, and entrepreneurship to develop teams to tackle the complex, urgent and consequential challenge of increasing global energy demand in the face of climate change.
Mr. Feldman has advised numerous leading energy companies on the development and execution of comprehensive strategic and financial assessments of both regulated and non-regulated enterprises. Specific services provided include resource planning/procurement, the identification and evaluation of corporate, financial, regulatory, workforce, market, and asset/enterprise-specific considerations. These considerations often are then reflected in a specific financial assessment and valuation of the subject enterprise. In many assignments, the assessment and recommendations are presented to the client’s executive management and/or Board of Directors. Mr. Feldman has been instrumental in the success of several mergers, acquisitions and divestitures with an aggregate valuation in the billions of dollars. He has been directly involved in all aspects of transactions which include nuclear and fossil, generation assets (wholly and jointly-owned), and power purchase agreements. On behalf of electric and natural gas utilities throughout North America, Mr. Feldman has supported the formulation of many aspects of utility ratemaking. Specifically, he has performed rate of return and cost of service analyses for investor-owned and municipal gas and electric utilities. Mr. Feldman has also conducted studies analyzing the impacts of implementing alternative rate design mechanisms.
Founded Power Development International (PDI) Inc., where he invented and developed a proprietary, low cost hydrokinetic turbine from concept through commercialization. At PDI, personally led:
- Three successful round of capital raises to support PDI’s growth
- Development of commercial pipeline of end-use customers interested in deploying PDI’s solution
- A full-scale demonstration project to showcase efficacy of PDI’s technology (Cape Cod Canal 2017)
- Establishment and growth of PDI’s portfolio of intellectual property
- Successful procurement of government grant funds to advance PDI’s technology commercialization
- Development of partnerships with academic institutions to design learning opportunities related to PDI’s technology
- Design and implementation of academic programming and curriculum related to PDI’s technology for university, high school, and middle school students.
- Assembled multidisciplinary partnership with top tier research institutions (Stanford, Brown, U-Wisconsin, Massachusetts Maritime), large energy industry companies (New York Power Authority and other Utilities and IPPs) non-academic research labs (National Renewable Energy Labs, Alden Labs) to advance the R&D and deployment of PDI’s technology.